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Rhodesian Ridgeback Breeder

Kennel News

With heaviness of heart, we announce the passing of

CH Lamarde Perro Gladys, ROM

She officially became a Register of Merit Champion last summer, 2007 with the completed championship of Lamarde Perro Hollywood legends (Spencer), owned by Mark Shirley of Rhapsody Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Register of Merit status is only bestowed on Bitches that denonstrate their ability to produce at least 5 offspring that themselves attain championship status.

Ch Lamarde Perro Gladys, ROM

Here Gladys has taken Best of breed over several Stud Dogs. It was once said that Gladys "struck fear into other Stud Dogs whenever she came into the ring". Well, that may be the description of an active inagination, but we know that the owners of those dogs certainly had great respect for the presence that this remarkable specimen exhibited.

Here she is at home being herself...

We'll always remember her as she was... A puppy at heart...